Welcome to the Blue Pool shop

Here you will discover all of the wonderful products and services offered by our conscious, gifted and telented members.

Find an incredible array of products and services to assist you in your journey of wellbeing and empowerment

In this shop you will find an incredible array of products and services, all offered by Blue Pool Members. 

The link will take you to the checkout on our member’s own website where you can pay for your item which will be despatched directly from our member.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE – Blue Pool Network is not the seller, this is purely a search engine for you to find appropriate products that can be purchased directly from our members. Any questions about the products or returns will need to be addressed directly to the seller.
  • Products – There are such a diverse range of offerings from art work to  bio-resonance devices, crystals to energy healings and aura sprays to energy medicine. Just search the type of item that you are looking for and all of the relevant products will appear. 
  • Services As many of our members offer incredible services, we wanted to add the offerings all in one place, making it easier for you to find the perfect treatment, healing, holistic or business support tools that perfectly suit your needs.

