Affiliate Membership

£44.00 / month


Affiliate Benefits are:
A listing in the directory
A listing on the Affiliate page
Inclusion in our wellbeing weekends and other upcoming events
Inclusion in our business support events (if appropriate)
Inclusion in our Blue Pool Mind, Body Spirit Festival – Coming this Summer
Free listing of your events on the events page – (Coming in New Website – estimated April)
Free listing of Products in the Products page – (Coming in New Website – estimated April)
Access to all Personal and Professional Empowerment Groups (Professional Empowerment will be starting in April)
Guest speaker spots at the Connection and Networking events and at the online events when they begin in July

Attendance at your choice of Connection and Networking monthly event.

Attendance at the monthly online connection and membership event. (July onwards)

Free listing of products on our products page (new website coming soon)